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¡¡ Why is Biden going to Israel? (¿Por qué Biden va a Israel?)
Beth Miller, JVP Action PAC a través de gmail.mcsv.net
13 jul 2022, 18:31 (hace 7 horas)
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Querido amigo,
Hoy, el presidente Joe Biden aterrizó en Israel, donde permanecerá un par de días antes de viajar a Arabia Saudita. Sí. Así es. Es julio de 2022, todo se está desmoronando, y el presidente ha decidido que el mejor uso de su tiempo es duplicar las alianzas con los líderes del apartheid violento y los regímenes autoritarios.
No es ningún secreto lo que espera lograr. Quiere mostrar el continuo apoyo estadounidense “férreo” e “inquebrantable” a Israel (léase: dólares militares estadounidenses incondicionales que pagan el apartheid israelí sobre los palestinos y protegen al gobierno israelí de la rendición de cuentas por violaciones del derecho internacional). Y quiere continuar con el legado de Donald Trump impulsando un acuerdo de 'normalización' entre Israel y Arabia Saudita que conducirá a más ventas de armas y acuerdos comerciales entre los dos países, dejando de lado a los palestinos y poniendo a todos en la región en mayor riesgo. .
Dígale a Biden: hemos terminado con el apoyo de Estados Unidos a la limpieza étnica y el apartheid de Israel. Hemos terminado con las administraciones que priorizan la proliferación de armas y los acuerdos comerciales entre líderes autoritarios sobre los derechos humanos y la justicia.
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Biden aterrizará en Israel en medio de la expulsión forzada de palestinos de sus hogares en Masafer Yatta por parte del ejército, la mayor expulsión forzada de palestinos desde 1967. Llegará solo dos meses después de que el ejército israelí matara a tiros a la renombrada periodista estadounidense palestina Shireen Abu Akleh. Shireen ni siquiera fue la primera estadounidense asesinada por el ejército israelí este año .
Estas son las acciones de un gobierno que sabe que puede llevar a cabo graves violaciones de los derechos humanos y limpieza étnica sin la menor consecuencia de su mayor benefactor: los EE. UU.
Biden le haría creer que se trata de que Estados Unidos ayude a mediar por la paz en la región. Por favor. Esta administración ahora está en desacuerdo con prácticamente toda la comunidad internacional de derechos humanos que ha declarado que Israel está cometiendo el crimen del apartheid. Necesita saber que no nos engañan.
Realmente no hay ventajas en este viaje. Ni siquiera es popular entre los votantes estadounidenses. Una encuesta reciente encontró que menos de una cuarta parte de los estadounidenses aprueba el viaje y que mencionar a Israel genera desaprobación. 1
Estados Unidos es profundamente cómplice de la violencia de los gobiernos de Israel y Arabia Saudita y la administración Biden debería hacer todo lo que esté a su alcance para poner fin a ese apoyo. En cambio, están planeando viajes para solidificar y profundizar estos lazos.
Dígale a Biden que dedique su tiempo a tomar medidas serias hacia la justicia, sin recompensar a los regímenes notorios por crímenes de guerra.
En solidaridad,
beth molinero
Director Político
JVP Acción PAC
1 Telhami, Shibley, “Es arriesgado que Biden vaya a Oriente Medio” Washington Post, 7 de julio de 2022.
Pagado por JVP Action PAC, PO Box 15320, Washington DC, 20003
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According to a statement from the White House, the purpose of Biden’s visit to Israel is “to reinforce the United States’ iron-clad commitment to Israel’s security and prosperity.”
Why Biden's visit to Israel is a big deal - Unpacked
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Why Is President Biden Going To Israel And Saudi Arabia? - YouTube
Why Is President Biden Going To Israel And Saudi Arabia? - YouTube
13/7/2022 · Joe Biden is making his first trip to the Middle East as President with stops in Israel and Saudi Arabia.#cbsnewsmiami #joebiden #middleeast #israel #palesti...
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Why Biden's visit to Israel is a big deal - Unpacked
to @YairLapid, Israel’s new Prime Minister, and thank you to Alternate Prime Minister @NaftaliBennett for your friendship over the past year.Hace 1 día · According to a statement from the White House, the purpose of Biden’s visit to Israel is “to reinforce the United States’ iron-clad commitment to Israel’s security and prosperity.”Congratulations
Vídeos de Why is Biden going to Israel? (¿Por qué Biden va a Israel?)
Joe Biden's long history of pro-Israel statements
Joe Biden's long history of pro-Israel statements
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YouTubeMiddle East Eye
Biden says Israel has right to defend itself
Biden says Israel has right to defend itself
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Israel vows action to curb 'terrorism', Joe Biden offers su…
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Biden's July trip to Saudi Arabia & Israel confirmed
Biden's July trip to Saudi Arabia & Israel confirmed
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President Biden Holds a Bilateral Meeting with Naftali Bennett, P…
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Ver más vídeos de Why is Biden going to Israel? (¿Por qué Biden va a Israel?)
President Biden’s visit to Israel: Here’s what you need to know
President Biden’s visit to Israel: Here’s what you need to know. Get ready. In this Weekly, we are going to share many statistics with you. From my calculation, there are around 195 recognized countries in the world. Also from my calculation (or actually from this website), Israel is the 18th most-visited country by a U.S. president.
Why is Biden going to Saudi Arabia and Israel in July : NPR
14/6/2022 · When he was running for office, Joe Biden vowed to make big changes to how the U.S. deals with Saudi Arabia. But that was before gas prices soared past $5 per gallon, making inflation his top issue.
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'President Biden comes to Israel with a very weak hand' | Israel ...
Hace 11 horas · Daniel Cohen, Newsmax correspondent, tells Israel National News that in his opinion, US Pres. Biden lacks the capital to pressure Israel.
Biden’s trip to Israel is getting trickier by the day
18/5/2022 · Print. President Joe Biden is expected to make his first visit to Israel since taking office in late June. The past week has certainly given him more than enough to fill his agenda when he arrives. When Al-Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh was gunned down in Jenin, the usual war of narratives began. Even though all eyewitness accounts ...
7 things to watch for on Biden's trip to Israel, Saudi Arabia
7 things to watch for on Biden's trip to Israel, Saudi Arabia
Hace 1 día · In his Washington Post op-ed, Biden noted that he will be the first U.S. president to fly from Israel to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, describing it as a "small symbol" of the deepening ties between ...
Opinion: Biden is heading to the Middle East for one simple reason
10/7/2022 · Aaron David Miller. President Joe Biden's brief Middle East visit, which starts on Wednesday, reflects a desire to show that a busy administration -- preoccupied with domestic travails and foreign ...
President Biden Speech In Israel: "You Don't Need To Be A Jew To …
President Biden Speech In Israel: "You Don't Need To Be A Jew To Be A ...
Hace 7 horas · President Biden spoke at the airport in Tel Aviv on Wednesday morning. "You don't need to be a Jew to be a Zionist."President Biden made this point upon arriving in Israel today. He is 100% right ...
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'Israel is the donkey Biden is going to ride to Saudi Arabia' | Israel ...
10/7/2022 · Jul 11, 2022, 8:56 AM GMT+3. Director of GOP operations in Israel: Biden is coming to Israel desperate for achievements, his demands will be worse than Obama's. Read more.
'Israel is the donkey Biden is going to ride to Saudi Arabia'
'Israel is the donkey Biden is going to ride to Saudi Arabia'
Real time news brief - 'Israel is the donkey Biden is going to ride to Saudi Arabia' - Israel National News flashes around the clock are waiting for you on the site
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19 h ·
On this day, July 13, in 2015, Sandra Bland, a 28-year-old Black woman, was found hanging in a jail cell in Waller County, Texas.
Sandra Bland graduated from Prairie View A&M University, a historically Black institution in Waller County. She was returning there from her home in Chicago. She was happy about going back to reunite with old friends & take up a new job. But after she turned onto the drive leading to the campus, she was pulled over by a Texas state trooper, Brian Encinia. He claimed she hadn’t used a turn signal to change lanes. Within moments, Encinia brutalized & mocked Sandra Bland. He threatened her with his Taser and snarled, “Get out of the car! I will light you up! Get out! Now!” He dragged her out of her car and threw her on the ground. He arrested her & charged her with felony assault on an officer.
Police & prosecutors worked feverishly to cover up the truth about Sandra Bland’s arrest, time in their custody, and the circumstances of her death. They charged her with being the aggressor. They released an obviously tampered video of the jail cell they held her in. They declared the cell to be a “crime scene,” but then allowed reporters to trample through it. They claimed Sandra was “suicidal,” but did nothing to provide medical attention. No testimony of what were claimed to be interviews of jail personnel was ever released to Sandra Bland’s lawyers. Her friends and family, with whom she had been in steady communication, were not called to testify to the grand jury investigating the case. Her DNA was not found on the cloth around her neck. Jail logs were falsified.
Sandra Bland’s family and thousands of people across the country refused to accept the official story. The fight for justice for Sandra Bland became a cornerstone of the fight to end murder and brutality of Black people by police.
Sandra Bland’s death, and the coverup by authorities was the system at work—a system in which white supremacy and police brutality are integral components. A system which has no right to exist. A system which cannot be reformed—and must be overthrown at the soonest possible time.
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